TRAUMA TRAINING, COACHING, AND SUSTAINABILITY PLANNING | Based on my experience, optimal outcomes are achieved when the partnership spans over at least one academic year. This allows for the intentional and strategic scheduling of workshops over the year, relationship-building with staff, and laying the proper foundation for systems change. While every partnership plan is developed after conversations and feedback, all work involves a fundamental set of activities which include: Planning/Asset Mapping and Needs Assessment; Gathering Stakeholder Input; Developing the Implementation Plan; and Coaching/Support and Sustainability. This is deep, iterative, systems change work and it cannot be accomplished with ‘one-and-done’ trauma trainings.

I am available to meet in-person or virtually - depending on current public health law. While in-person is always preferred, I have modified trainings into virtual learning community workshops, if necessary. These workshops involve a combination of PowerPoint and group discussion and activities. I will work with you to design the best fit for your school community.


If you are considering embarking on this work but have questions or concerns, please reach out to schedule a conversation — I would be happy to review your vision and offer an assessment or next steps. I am also glad to connect you with colleagues I’ve worked with so you can better understand their experience. I can be reached at or at (202) 841-9015.


Supporting Districts

Working within a District is an ideal way to foster and sustain change, as this work is most successful when highest levels of leadership embrace it. I begin by listening to where things currently are, and where staff would like things to go. We connect with a common set of values and move forward from there. The work relies on relationships and representation of a range of voices from parents/caregivers, front office staff, to administrators.


At the School Site

Engaging with trauma informed approaches at the school site involves the process of listening to where a school culture currently sits — and gaining an understanding of where the school community envisions it wants to be. After agreeing on a set of common values, an implementation plan that includes metrics for evaluation is developed.

As part of the coaching, I offer opportunities for group workshops where staff are able share and discuss their experiences while being supported by their peers, with the guidance of trauma informed coaching. This offering is aligned with the idea that transitioning to a school where staff are trauma responsive is an iterative process that takes time to integrate. The workshops create a space for practice to take place.


1:1 Partnerships

Within Districts or School Sites, one-on-one or small group support is a more targeted approach, and can be helpful in circumstances where this level of focus and feedback is desired. This type of interaction concentrates efforts around implementation of single strategies, includes coaching and discussion, and must take place within the context of a larger trauma informed implementation plan.